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Hoop is ’n werkwoord met opgerolde moue

Hoop is ’n werkwoord met opgerolde moue

Magda du Toit MEDEWERKER Die doel van streekskongresse is om ‘n platform te skep wat boere in staat stel om die uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig...

Fresh deciduous fruit semi-annual report

Fresh deciduous fruit semi-annual report

MASEGO MOOBI AND AMY CALDWELL UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The production of apples and pears is estimated to decrease slightly in the...

Citrus industry faces more challenges

Citrus industry faces more challenges

As SA’s citrus industry faces a challenging 2023, a collaborative approach is needed for long-term sustainability, says an economist. South Africa's...

The perfect parasitoid

The perfect parasitoid

Insectec is a leader in the production of natural enemies and the implementation thereof in an integrated pest management system. They are mealybug...


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