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If you only sit on the side and look on, nothing will ever change
This year saw the return of the AllesBeste symposium held in Tzaneen. Industry specialists and delegates in the avocado industry came together to...
Global consumer trends can affect fresh produce marketing
MARIANA PURNELL Contributor Customers are the lifeline of a business and their behaviours never stop evolving. Understanding this can help companies...
Min groei en baie uitdagings vir sitrusbedryf
Mariana Purnell MEDEWERKER Die Buro vir Voedsel- en Landboubeleid (BFAP) vind in sy jongste vooruitsig, die 'BFAP Baseline 2023', dat onlangse...
Hoop is ’n werkwoord met opgerolde moue
Magda du Toit MEDEWERKER Die doel van streekskongresse is om ‘n platform te skep wat boere in staat stel om die uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig...
Voeding en beskerming in gebalanseerde gewasbestuursprogramme
Gebalanseerde gewasbestuursprogramme verhoog plante se plantgesondheid en bevorder kwaliteit gewasse. Dit is ook kostedoeltreffend en bevorder...
Fresh deciduous fruit semi-annual report
MASEGO MOOBI AND AMY CALDWELL UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The production of apples and pears is estimated to decrease slightly in the...
Citrus industry faces more challenges
As SA’s citrus industry faces a challenging 2023, a collaborative approach is needed for long-term sustainability, says an economist. South Africa's...
Key challenges needed to be overcome to ensure the survival of citrus
The Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa (CGA) recently held the Citrus Summit in Gqeberha. Usually held every second year, this year’s...
The perfect parasitoid
Insectec is a leader in the production of natural enemies and the implementation thereof in an integrated pest management system. They are mealybug...
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