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Bacillus thuringiensis – ‘n uitstaande biologiese insekdoder
Jaco Marais KOMMERSIËLE EN BEMARKINGSBESTUURDER - NOORDE Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is ‘n voordelige bakterie wat as ‘n biologiese insekdoder...
Nuwe lietsjiekultivars hou groot voordele vir bedryf in
“Daar is vordering met nuwe kultivars,” sê Bram Snijder, voorsitter van die SA Lietsjiekwekersvereniging (SALKV). Tydens die SALKV se...
Citrus exports facing challenges
South Africa's citrus exports are experiencing significant headwinds due to rising global protectionism and the proliferating use of non-tariff...
Roes kan knoffel, lente-uie en preie beskadig
WHP Boshoff, B Visser, CM Bender en ZA Pretorius Departement Plantwetenskappe, Universiteit van die Vrystaat Roes, veroorsaak deur swamspesies van...
Keeping deciduous trees free from scheme viruses
At the recent Hortgro Technical symposium, Gerhard Pietersen from Patho Solutions spoke to delegates about the importance of keeping deciduous trees...
South African Bigbucks apple granted plant breeders’ rights in Australia
Bigbucks, the improved Gala mutation from South Africa, known for its beautiful wine red colour, entered a new chapter after it was recently granted...
Water quality concerns and contingencies
Time spent in the field this irrigation season has alerted the Netafim Field Team of the extremely poor and worsening quality of available...
Die wingewende, kostebesparende byvoegmiddel vir gebruik in boordgewasse
Vivian Butler VILLA LANDBOUKUNDIGE Brian de Villiers VILLA BYVOEGMIDDELKONSULTANT Die hoofdoel van byvoegmiddels is om te sorg dat...
Tomato viruses and the impact on production in South Africa
Viruses have a significant impact on the tomato industry in South Africa, affecting different aspects of production, economic viability and food...
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