Vegetables & Fruit
“From the very first edition, producers were kept up to date with the latest developments in the vegetable industry with breaking news and the latest research.” Read more…
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Independent and specialised
Vegetables & Fruit / Groente & Vrugte is an independent specialised magazine that has been serving the industry for over 34 years, first established in 1988.
One of the few
Vegetables & Fruit / Groente & Vrugte is one of a few publications for the entire fresh produce industry.
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Available on subscription
Vegetables & Fruit / Groente & Vrugte is available on subscription to all role players in the industry.
Comprehensive coverage
…of all the various aspects of the industry will ensure that the grower keeps the Vegetables & Fruit / Groente & Vrugte as a source of reference.
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011 476 3702
018 293 0622
Operating hours
08:00 – 17:00
17 Clark street, Potchefstroom
Suit 108, MISA Centre, 12 Fir Drive, Northcliff 2195